Resume and cover letter writing tailored for international students.

International students, despite the countless obstacles they face, including leaving their home country or their comfort zone, to study at prestigious colleges, have the potential for a bright future. If you are also in the same category, you can understand the initial anguish of leaving your native nation. However, the countless professional opportunities in this country can lead to a successful and fulfilling life.

However, securing a high-paying job in your desired field requires more than just a degree. You need to prove your value to potential employers. The job search process can be daunting, from crafting a compelling resume to enduring the wait for a response. While some job seekers opt for professional resume services, others delve into reputable resources to master the art of resume writing.

This blog post provides some fantastic resume-writing advice for overseas students. Keep reading to assure that you receive as many calls for job interviews as possible.

 Create a winning resume by implementing these resume-writing tips.

 The resume format that abroad companies and employment agencies accept differs from the one utilized in many other nations worldwide. International students must grasp the proper format and create a resume per it.


 You only need to provide personal information about yourself, even though some information must be publicly available. Since they must conduct recruitment without displaying any discrimination, American employers and recruiters seldom anticipate seeing an overwhelming amount of personal information on a résumé. Information items that should and shouldn't be disclosed have been listed.

You ought to mention:

  1.  Name
  2. Email Address
  3. Phone Number
  4. Address

You ought not to incorporate:

  1. Age and Birthdate
  2.  Gender Race Ethnicity Religion
  3. Status of Marriage
  4.  Names of Parents
  5. Spouse's Name
  6.  Status of Immigration

Remember these things:

  1. When describing your address, please include the City, State, and zip code. For example, [City], [State], [Zip Code]. Don't provide any other details, such as the building number, street name, or landmark.
  2. Rest assured, we prioritize your privacy and security with our stringent measures. It's crucial to never provide a temporary or permanent address in your nation of origin, as this could potentially compromise your safety and security.
  3. When providing your contact details, it's essential to be precise. Include the area code and residence phone number in writing, but omit the country code to ensure accuracy and avoid any potential confusion, guiding you to provide the correct information.
  4.  Links to your website, blog, or LinkedIn page are all acceptable.

International students should be particularly mindful of how they present their educational background while applying for part-time jobs during their studies or full-time jobs after they graduate. Fresh graduates and students should emphasize their performance on their resumes because their academic background is the only factor employers consider when hiring them.

Remember these things:

  1. It's crucial to present your certifications, degrees, and diplomas in reverse chronological order. This approach not only showcases your educational journey but also demonstrates your ability to organize and structure information effectively.
  2. Strategically, you should prioritize the schooling that aligns best with the position you're applying for. This approach shows your focus and understanding of the job requirements.
  3. While it's not a requirement, mentioning your GPA can be beneficial if it's high. However, if it's not, there's no need to worry. It's best to focus on other aspects of your education and experience, which can also be strong indicators of your potential.
  4. If you have participated in any training programs, please describe the specifics.

Put them in for each degree: 

  1. Commence Year-End of Program Year
  2. Majors and Minors
  3. Assignments for Coursework
  4. Displays
  5. Workshops
  6. Meetings Symposiums
  7. Student Societies
  8. Clubs for Books
  9. Theatre Groups
  10. Extracurricular Engagements

For Those with Doctoral (Ph.D.) Degrees

  1. Thesis
  2. Findings
  3. Publications

Those with doctorates and postgraduate degrees who have worked in any company in the USA or their native country and have specific experience (relative to their field of study) should add information about their professional experience in their resume.

Remember these points:

  1. Enumerate every job you've had, both paid and unpaid, in reverse chronological order.
  2. You can start by mentioning the most pertinent experience to the position.
  3. Volunteer work is equally important. Don't forget to give details about your volunteer work. This will make you feel that your contributions outside of paid work are also highly valued.
  4. List the responsibilities and tasks you were responsible for in your previous positions.
  5. When describing your previous employment roles, use bullet points rather than paragraphs.

Talk about specifics in the following order:

  1. Title of Position, Department, and Team
  2. Name of the Company Address of the Company Duration of Employment
  3. Function and Accountabilities
  4. Achievements
  5. Software and Tools Used

In articulating the duties, you carried out in your prior positions, highlight your accomplishments. You must demonstrate how your intelligence and inventiveness, which were crucial to the success of your previous businesses, uniquely impacted their operations.

Describing your proficiency with the necessary computer tools and applications is a valuable addition to your resume. It not only demonstrates your readiness for the job but also empowers you to stand out in a competitive job market.

An even more disheartening reality is that employers only look at applications that have successfully navigated the applicant tracking system (ATS). They take a few seconds to review a candidate's résumé. Therefore, you should write a CV that is friendly to humans and robots.

 Look up the keywords associated with the job you are applying for, and make sure you include them in the employment history part of your resume. The job description, duties and responsibilities, list of necessary abilities, and other information in the job posting give you an idea of what keywords to use.

Keep the following things in mind

  1. The recruiting manager of the company you want to work for will be impressed if you can demonstrate your contributions from past jobs using strong action verbs.
  2. Take the phrases "managed the social media accounts to boost customer engagement" and "developed an offline application for monitoring logistics."
  3. Give some background information on the companies you worked for before bringing up the experience you obtained abroad. One of the world's top 10 oil and gas businesses, ABC Ltd., is an example of a company where the individual is employed as an accountant.

Regardless of your educational background, it's your skills that will ultimately land you a job. It's essential to list all the skills you've acquired from your previous roles, as these are what prospective employers are truly seeking.

 It's crucial to present a diverse set of skills, encompassing both hard and soft abilities. This not only demonstrates that you're a well-rounded candidate but also sets your application apart from the competition. Hard skills, such as educational abilities (accounting, law, web development, etc.), computer skills (using the Microsoft Office Suite, C++ language, office communication tools, etc.), and language skills (speaking Chinese, Spanish, French, etc.), are all valuable assets to showcase.

Remember these things.

  1.  Brief sentences and bullet points should be used to convey your skills.
  2.  The abilities most pertinent to the position can remain at the top.

Keep in mind the following:

  1. International students who recently graduated can list any talents they may have picked up during their studies.
  2. You may be able to meet deadlines if, for instance, you have completed your project submissions on time. Similarly, mention your leadership abilities if you have been president or vice president of a student organization.

The majority of companies use an application tracking system (ATS) to scan resumes and shortlist prospects for interviews. Therefore, you should use as many pertinent keywords and phrases as possible on your resume. For occurrence, if you're applying for a marketing role, comprise keywords like 'digital marketing ', 'SEO ', 'content creation ', etc. Make the most of every space on your resume by emphasizing your accomplishments and using relevant keywords.

 It's a win-win situation for both the hiring manager and the applicant tracking system (ATS) when job seekers move the career objective part of their resume to a summary statement. This strategic move not only helps the ATS to better understand your qualifications but also allows the hiring manager to quickly grasp your professional profile, making your resume more effective.

 The question of 'What should be written in the summary statement?' is now inevitable. In this part, briefly describe your educational background and professional experience. Start with a strong opening sentence that highlights your most relevant skills and experiences. Then, provide a brief overview of your educational background and professional experience, focusing on the most important and relevant details.

Remember these things.

  1. Add any noteworthy skills and achievements you have.
  2. Utilize statistical data to illustrate your minor and significant accomplishments.
  3. Use terms and phrases sparingly; instead, utilize them appropriately.

Keep in mind the following:

  1. A professional summary section or summary statement is crucial in drawing in prospective employers' interest. As a result, you should provide evidence of your accomplishments, experience, expertise, and skills to support your candidacy for the job.
  2. You can present your ideas for resolving difficulties unique to your industry while utilizing the language employed there.

As discussed in this blog post, overseas recruiters and employers prefer a specific resume structure. Thus, you should become familiar with the specifics of a suitable resume structure. The sequence in which different sections or components should appear on your resume has been defined by us.

Put the sections in the following chronological sequence:

  1. Statement of Personal Information Summary
  2. Details of Education, Experience, and Skills/Area of Expertise
  3. Licenses Honors/Awards
  4. Memberships for Professionals
  5. Hobbies and Interests
  6.  Further Details References

Keep in mind the following:

  1. For applicants with limited or no work experience, it's crucial to highlight your educational qualifications, placing them above your employment history. This prioritization helps the reader to quickly grasp your academic background.
  2. Individuals who have substantial or sufficient experience ought to prioritize their job history portion over their educational qualifications section.
  3. By opting for simple font styles and avoiding complex formatting like underlining and italics, you can ensure your resume is easily readable and compatible with Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS). This will give you confidence that your resume will be effectively processed by these systems.
  4. When crafting your resume, it's essential to strike a balance between length and format. While a two-page resume is acceptable, it's advisable to keep it concise and limit it to one or two pages. This balance ensures that the reader's attention is maintained on the most relevant information.

 To save time and effort, many job seekers view the cover letter as an extra burden and choose not to write one. However, in the fiercely competitive job market, a strong impression on the recruiting team through your cover letter might help you stand out. Always include a strong cover letter with your resume when applying for any job abroad.

 Remember these points:

  1. Write three to four paragraphs throughout your cover letter with four to five lines each.
  2. Briefly state your personal values and career goals.
  3. Put the appropriate keywords and phrases in the proper places.

Keep the following things in mind:

  1.  Immerse yourself in the company's website and other resources, delving into its history, vision, mission, values, accomplishments, and other details. This thorough research will not only help you tailor your cover letter but also make you feel prepared and knowledgeable about the company.
  2. Ensure your message is delivered professionally and distinctively. By 'distinctively ', we mean that your cover letter should reflect your unique skills and experiences while adhering to professional standards.
  3. Always include the name and position title of the hiring manager for that particular company in each cover letter. This personal touch will make you feel valued and unique, setting you apart from other applicants.
  4. Explain why you are interested in joining the organization and explicitly state in the opening paragraph that you intend to apply.
  5. Your cover letter should be consistent and positive and describe how you will work in your new position.

It's crucial to proofread your job application materials, just as you would with any other significant document. By meticulously reviewing your cover letter and resume before submission, you can steer clear of potential embarrassment caused by incorrect word usage or sentence construction.

 Remember these points:

  1.  For a confident proofreading process, consider using an online grammar checker, which can be either free or premium, to ensure the accuracy of your cover letter and resume.
  2. Once you've used an online grammar checker, it's beneficial to have a fresh pair of eyes review your cover letter and resume. This second opinion can provide valuable insights and help you further refine your application materials.
  1.  Put standard job names in place of the fancy ones from your past positions.
  2. Remain away from tables, charts, forms, and other visual components.
  3.  In the references section, write "References available upon request."
  4.  Use as little punctuation, quotation marks, and capital letters as possible.
  5. To guarantee there is adequate white space, choose the proper margin size.
  6.  Keep your English language competence test results private.
  7. At all costs, avoid writing the word "Resume" at the top of your document.
  8. Refrain from filling your resume with pointless or irrelevant content.


Given the fast-paced nature of foreign recruiters and employers, international students need to adapt their CVs to the American job market. Even if your CV passes the ATS test, it's important to understand that interview calls are not guaranteed.

It would help to consider the recruiting team and the applicant tracking system (ATS, a software used by employers to manage job applications) when creating your resume and cover letter. As an international student, you should be aware that, contrary to what is expected of all foreign workers and job seekers, you cannot brag about your fluency in the English language even if you are not a native speaker. 

Examine the job posting thoroughly to ensure that the wording in your cover letter and CV matches the advertisements. Continue regularly adding fresh experiences and talents to your resume. Create a cover letter specifically for each job application you submit.

It takes a lot of work to write a cover letter and CV. In light of this, don't risk losing your ideal employment if you are unsure about your ability to compile an impeccable resume. You might raise your chances of receiving a lucrative job offer by utilizing extra services like resume marketing and resume priority.

Why choose Sharda University?

Sharda University, Greater Noida, presents an array of opportunities to students deciding on studying abroad in India. It has ample courses in multiple fields to cater to the different interests of talents coming from all backgrounds. It also invites esteemed guest lecturers and has ties with other foreign universities that bring amazing opportunities for placement. Secure your future with Sharda University.

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